Friday, October 03, 2008

Which technologies stand to benefit from the Wall Street collapse?

According to a recent survey of 1,000 CIOs done by the WSJ,
  • 61% of CIOs are currently re-evaluating their 2009 budgets, while putting non-essential projects on hold.
  • 49% have cut the amount they spend on consultants while restricting travel.
  • Nearly 25% have put a hiring freeze in place
Although this may seem like an expected reaction, which renders the tech spending forecasts just two weeks old obsolete, the fact remains that a business must carry on and IT must keep up with the operational demands. Your company will depend on you to scale its systems and remedy the failing ones just as before. So what can one do, given the restricted budgets and a freeze on human resources and consultancy?

In the coming quarters, we might see an increasing demand for Cloud Computing Services (despite RMSs valid but mostly paranoid concerns). Utility computing services such as Amazon EC2 and S3 will see increased adoption mainly due to lower costs up-front, lesser number of human resources required to maintain a setup and the ability to upgrade and scale without investing in new hardware.

SaaS (Software as a Service) is another area of cloud computing we will see benefiting, simply because SaaS providers address the applications aspects of the equation. Most of these Cloud Services are pay-as-you-go, which is ideal for the wait-and-see approach demanded by present times.

CIOs will look at Open Source in a different lite. This may be mostly cost driven, which is sad. But adoption under whatever terms helps Free and Open Source projects.

Web Oriented Architecture stands to gain traction as more and more aplications start running in the cloud. This might sound as a stretch I know. But just because your applications run in the cloud, it doesn't mean you can't have interoperability between them right? Your corporate Web Portal (now probably running on a Web Based CMS) will still need to talk to your SaaS CRM and other legacy applications.

That's the way I see it at least ...